Friday, July 9, 2010

Starting Out

I would like to post about other things, but right now I'm starting to rewrite my evolutionary algorithm framework from scratch using the function java library. I would like to build it sort of "bottom up" style so that I can avoid some of the problem with my current framework.
The main thing is that the in the current one you fill in holes in a large and static structure (mostly) and are therefore constrained by what types of things fit in the holes. I would like to make it mostly about function composition and reuse of small parts, with a trivial little driver loop to get it going.

The representation of the whole algorithm and its state will be (Population, Environment, NextGenFunction, TerminationFunction). Populations are structures that hold structures of items, the env binds names to objects and can evaluate individuals (I hate to mix those ideas, but thats what it is for now), the nextgen function takes a population and returns a new one, and the termination function is from population to boolean and determines if the algorithm is done.
population is S I a, env is O->O next gen is Pop -> Pop, and term is Pop->Bool.

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