Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Efficient Crossover and Selection for Genetic Algorithms

In the last post I discussed an efficient implementation of point mutation for a Genetic Algorithm. This time we look at crossover and selection (and rotation, but thats for PGEP and RGEP, not a GA). These operators take linear time each, and we do no better than that here. However, we can reduce the coefficient nicely, which is important in practice.

First off, lets look at crossover- especially 1 or 2 point crossover (or both). Crossover is not a terribly expensive operator- we simply need to generate a random value between 0 and 1 (to determine if we will cross a pair of individuals), and then a cross point between 0 and the length of the individual. The only somewhat expensive thing here is moving pieces of the individuals around, so lets not do this yet. Instead, we just make a list/array/vector of the ranges each individual occupies. One way to do this would be to consider the population a single large vector (or a 2 dimensional vector) and each individual a list of ranges from their start to end. After 1 point crossover an individual is a 2 element list of pairs- start to cross point, other side of crosspoint to end. In other words, we record what bits in the population make up each individual without actually changing the population at all. If we do 2 point crossover, or multiple crossovers in a single generation, these ranges may consist of more pairs of locations, but are still basically the same. We don't want the individuals to become too fragmented like this, as with completely fragmented individual this would be less efficient then the usual implementation, but for a single generation fragmentation shouldn't be too bad.

Selection can be similarly performed without changing the population. We just record the winner of each tournament or the result of spins of the roulette wheel (or whatever selection one desires). One way to do this is an initially all 0 vector, counting the number of occurrences of each individual in the new population. We add one to a location if the individual corresponding to that location is selected.

While this post is mainly about Genetic Algorithms, I want to mention that the rotation operator from PGEP and RGEP can be performed in a similar fashion. We either record the number of locations to rotate for each individual (with 0 for individuals that aren't rotated that generation) or modify the ranges we created during crossover described above.

So, we have an untouched population, a vector of ranges for each individual that describes what parts of the population they occupy, and a count saying how many times they occur in the next generation. It might be nice to be able to do the operators this way several times before touching the population (except mutation, which can be done independently however we desire), but since we need the full individual for fitness evaluation anyway, we might as well perform the crossover and selection we recorded at the end of each generation.

Now all thats left is to copy each individual from the old generation to the new one in one single pass over the population. This involves inspecting each individual and copying them the number of times they were selected into successive places in the new population (I'm thinking a double buffering style scheme where you copy back and forth between two equal sized populations). Each individual consists of a series of ranges, so getting the individual to the new population means copying each range one after the next to successive locations. An individual [(0, 10), (103, 107), (23, 26)] would copy the values between the locations (assuming the population is considered one big vector) 0 and 10, 103 and 107, and 23 to 26 to a single vector from, say, 0 to 20.

The advantage here is that while each copy is somewhat complex, we end up doing a small amount of work to determine what actions we need to take are (recording how to do each operator instead of doing it) which is sparse data about rearranging the individuals genetic material, and then actually copying each location only once per generation. I'm hoping to try this out when I get around to actually implementing this evolutionary algorithm library, although I will provide the simpler implementations as well.

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