Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thoughts on C Callbacks

I've come across several examples recently at work of places where a C function pointer can be provided as a callback, and a single argument is (often optionally) provided. The argument is given when the callback is registered, and the function is called with the same argument each time, usually given as an "int". These are just some thoughts about this technique.

First off, the whole "only one argument" is not a big deal. These are essentially higher order functions, and as we all know, one can curry and uncurry functions. Of course, in C this is done by hand, but its still possible and done all the time. It is common to define a struct containing the values for a callback, and passing a pointer to such a struct in the callback to provide multiple arguments. As structs are product types, this is essentially uncurrying a callback of multiple arguments.

The whole "called with the same argument every time" is not really a big deal either- if you want to have a value that changes, just pass it a double-indirect pointer and change the pointer value. This must be done carefully (like everything in C) as in some situations your callback can be used in a context that can interrupt any context that changes the value of its argument, and synchronization primitives may not work the same in the two contexts (ISRs in VxWorks for example).

This is not the only situation I've seen, however. In VxWorks, tasks can have up to 10 arguments when they are spawned. I believe the reason they can be optional is that if ABI specifies that the caller cleans up the stack, the callee not using some extra values is not a problem. I imagine they would have to be placed with the leftmost argument on the top of the stack for this to work, but I haven't peeked around in memory to make sure this is true yet.


  1. I am verry thankful for your commenting and positing.

    It is related to C Callbacks. Callbacks is a reference to the location of a piece of code that is passed as an argument to another piece of code.

  2. I am very thankful for YOUR commenting and positing. It is related to positing. Positing is put forward fact as assumption.
