Thursday, September 6, 2012

Monads on the Stack

What would a monad look like in a concatenative language? It seems that each of the usual suspects from Haskell have some sort of interpretation in this context, and may provide a useful addition to programs in such a language. However, so far I have not be able to see how to show that my interpretation actually forms a monad over a suitable category. So- how to formalize this and what does it look like?

Working somewhat backwards, I think I know what I want this to look like. Hopefully this will lead either to an understanding of how to formalize this or to some other formalization that is more suited to a concatenative language. I imagine that syntactically the space character is overloaded and is the equivalent of >>= in Haskell. The default monad is Id and has no extra properties, but you can select a particular monad, perhaps using the technique in the blog article (or blarticle) Scrap Your Type Classes.

To fmap a word into the state monad simply use Factor's dip or [ id swap | ] if "|" is the vertical composition operator I discussed in a previous post. The function "return" is slightly harder- it may be a word that take the top of the stack and returns a closure that puts that item under the top of the stack ( s -- a s ). The problem with this is that it seems to imply that while we are using the state monad we can only use the state and one item, which is a bit of a restriction if you are used to having a stack to manipulate. I was hoping this would be a way to have a state if you wanted it but otherwise to write normal words, but to do that it seems like you have to make the state monad "stack polymorphic" taking an arbitrary number of items from the stack. but then what does "return" look like? Does it save an arbitrary number of items? Or am I completely on the wrong track here?

Moving on for now, the reader monad is pretty simple. It simply provides a top of stack that you don't have to use, and will not change through a computation. For fmap we have "id swap |" again, but for return we have "drop ." if "." is the composition of words on the stack.

The writer monad should consist of words that leave elements of some monoid on the stack that are combined by the action of the monoid and are no visible to the next word. Simple enough, fmap is "0 ." if 0 is the identity of the monoid, and return simply puts an item on the stack followed by the monoid's identity element.

Maybe is also easy if we focus on the top of the stack- it is just like Haskell where you adjoint an element to a type and the presence of this element, in this case having it on the top of the stack, short circuits the computation. Otherwise the top of the stack is a Just value and is used as normal.

Thats all for now I think- I hope to write next time about an attempt to investigate what this means and in what category we are. Maybe then it will Just illuminate itself, or maybe I will have Nothing. Tune in next time to find out.

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