Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Generalized Crossover in Haskell

I've started to see some nice stuff come out of my hgep project. The post "Operads and Their Monads" from (which is an amazing blog btw) uses some code that relates to operation in GEP and crossover in evolutionary algorithms. This is not really related to the post, but the way he does things is much better than what I was doing.

Crossover in general involves finding cut points and doing an exchange between two lists to produce two mixed up lists. I've never seen anyone do crossover with more than 2 individual, or immediately throw away one of the results, so crossover can be described as two lists of loci, and a list of cut points. The cut points can also be a list of the length of each section. That is the approach taken here.

And now some code:

crossover :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
crossover ns as bs = (exchange f s, exchange s f) where
f = unconcat ns bs
s = unconcat ns bs

unconcat :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]
unconcat [] [] = []
unconcat (n:ns) as = take n as : unconcat ns (drop n as)

exchange :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [a]
exchange [] [] = []
exchange (a:as) (b:bs) = a ++ exchange bs as

I just liked this code so much, I had to post it. There is some setup code, to apply it to random pairs, to make sure it only happens with some probability, etc, but this is the core idea of crossover in 7 lines of actual code.

1 comment:

  1. unconcat can produce non-exhaustive pattern matching in the case that there are not enough elements in the int list. The fix is to add a case like so-
    unconcat [] as = [as]
    after the first case, but before the second. This appears to work and have the correct semantics for what I mean for it to do.
