Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Treeless Expression Trees

I am fairly certain that in BPGEP there will be no need to ever actually create a tree data structure. We can perform our genetic operations on a bit-vector (or a list of symbols if you really want- I actually think PGEP is fine without binary encoding in some cases) and we can already perform evaluation of individuals without the actual tree because prefix evaluation is so simple.

The neat thing though is that I think we can get away without checking for consistency of trees. It shouldn't be difficult to repair trees by acting on the linear structure- in fact, I think it can be done in a simple little O(n) way. If we find and chop off the non-encoding region first (a O(n) operation), this is still n*n, 2n time. This is actually much *less* work then was being done with the consistency checking, because this will only be done when actually evaluating the individual, rather then for each genetic operation. It may be more then the original GEP needed, but it requires no concept of the eventual structure of the expression tree anywhere, which saves in complexity and allows for a more general range of genetic operators.

I also think that it will do a fair job of preserving substructures- which is the most important thing to me about PGEP.

Basically the only thing that makes it GEP and not GA besides some addition operators (rotation doesn't really make sense in GAs) is the evaluation function, which you have to specify anyway- I think it would be possible to reuse GA libraries for BPGEP with some additional code all located in the evaluation.

Pretty cool.

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